My biggest and longest mission at Uber is to help strengthen partnerships with cities with data and geospatial analysis, called Uber Movement. More recently I was able to design an experience around rich data visualizations for our COVID-19-related #MoveWhatMatters initiative.
Previously I was disrupting the healthcare industryĀ alongside an amazing startup team in Dallas, Texas.
Before that I wasĀ teachingĀ English in Shizuoka-ken, Japan. For more on this, you can readĀ myĀ journal.
Before Japan, theĀ ArtSciLab was my second home, a STEAM-focused research lab at UT Dallas. I worked under Roger Malina and was the creative director of Creative Disturbance, a multilingual, international podcast project created by our team. We successfully funded Creative Disturbance on KickstarterĀ over $20k.